Saturday 13 April 2013

I'm on a beach! I'm on a beach! You are probably at your desk! I'm on a beach!

I finished in South Sudan just over a month ago and I retreated back to the Middle East for some much needed nostalgia, falafel, non-South Sudanese sun (and a break).

I only stayed one year in South Sudan. Outside of Juba is can be a tough environment, and I marvel at colleagues that can stick it out longer. More than a year at a time of pit latrines, nairobi eye, cold showers, flooding compounds, no AC in +45C heat, every bug imaginable and constant gunfire is a lot to handle.

I have written a couple posts on burning out, and wanted to make sure that I didn't get to the point of a) crawling at the walls to leave, b) loathing every moment of my life, and/or c) absolutely hating the country.

I did enjoy my time there. I learned so much from my colleagues and hopefully made a difference in some way, shape or form. I left quite sad, and questioning my decision. I even panicked 3 weeks before and offered my services to whatever or wherever I possibly could in the country program. After one week away though,  I knew I made a good decision and am enjoying sleeping, travelling, vacationing and visiting friends (not to mention eating... everything).

I'm making a decision on where to head next this week. At some point between next Sunday and the beginning of June I will be in a new place with new anecdotes. I'm excited! But I am sad to leave this: